Bajrang Punia became the most expensive Indian player at the Premier Wrestling League auction after the Delhi franchise made a successful bid of Rs. 38 lakh in New Delhi on Friday.?Yogeshwar Dutt chose to opt out of the season.?Among the international players, Olympic gold-medallist Vladimer Khinchegashvili of Georgia emerged as the highest paid player with a bid of Rs. 48 lakh from Team Punjab. Ukraines Mariya Stadnik became the most expensive womens wrestler, receiving a bid of Rs. 47 lakh by Delhi.?Olympic bronze-medallist Sakshi Malik received a bid of Rs. 30 lakh by Delhi, while Ritu Phogat was Indias most expensive woman wrestler, getting a bid of Rs. 36 lakh by Jaipur.?Other top buys of the auction included Magomed Kurbanaliev from Russia, who received a bid of Rs. 47 lakh, and three-time world champion Sofia Mattsson of Sweden, who Rs. 41.50 lakh -- both of whom were bought by Haryana. Mumbai bought Erica Wiebe and Georgian Jabrayil Hasanov for Rs. 43 lakh each, while the Nigerias Odunayo Adekuoroye went to Punjab for Rs. 32 lakh.Over 200 wrestlers were auctioned among six franchises -- Mumbai, Delhi, Punjab, Jaipur, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. As per the rules, all teams operated with a Rs. 2 crore cap to form a nine-member squad including five men and four women -- comprising five Indian and four international wrestlers.This will be the second season of the Premier Wrestling League. The tournament will be held from January 2-19 next year. Nike Zoom UK Outlet . JOHNS, N. Nike Zoom UK From China . The 20-year-old Pelicans big man glanced up and smiled widely at the well-wishers -- a fitting end to a day he wont soon forget. Davis responded to his selection earlier in the day as a Western Conference All-Star with 26 points and 10 rebounds, and the New Orleans Pelicans overcame a 10-point fourth-quarter deficit to defeat the Minnesota Timberwolves 98-91 on Friday night. .Y. -- The Buffalo Sabres have placed centre Cody Hodgson on injured reserve and recalled two players from their AHL affiliate in Rochester. Wholesale Nike Shoes UK . Louis Cardinals. Victorino is batting sixth and playing right field after missing two games because of back tightness. Cheap Nike Zoom UK Online . No. 13-seeded John Isner and No. 21 Philipp Kohlschreiber were among six players who dropped out of the tournament on Tuesday, joining No. 12 seed Tommy Haas and two other players who withdrew on Monday. The SEC Office on Monday announced the start times and television networks that will televise its games of November 5.The schedule for the tenth weekend of the regular season is comprised of six conference games and two non-conference games.Among the highlights of the weekend is a day-night doubleheader on CBS featuring Florida at Arkansas in the afternoon and Alabama at LSU in the primetime slot.The weekly SEC Network triple-header will feature Vanderbilt at Auburn or Texas A&M at Mississippi State in the first game of the day followed by Missouri at South Carolina and Georgia at Kentucky.SEC Football Television Schedule for Saturday, November 5, 2016:DateTTime (ET)GameNetworkSat.dddddddddddd, Nov. 5*12:00 p.m.Vanderbilt atAuburnESPN, ESPN2 or SEC NetworkSat., Nov. 5*12:00 p.m.Texas A&M atMississippi StateESPN, ESPN2 or SEC NetworkSat., Nov. 512:00 p.m.Georgia Southern atOle MissESPNUSat., Nov. 53:30 p.m.Florida atArkansasCBSSat., Nov. 54:00 p.m.Missouri atSouth CarolinaSEC NetworkSat., Nov. 54:00 p.m.Tennessee Tech atTennesseeSEC Network AlternateSat., Nov. 57:30 p.m.Georgia?at?KentuckySEC NetworkSat., Nov. 58:00 p.m.Alabama at?LSUCBS*network to be determined on Sunday, October 30. ' ' '